确实有点辛苦 ==
09第一帖 5s仁之老师篇
除夕快乐!哈 我发明的 请大家广泛应用 =]
其实我有好多好多事情要写 不过我实在不知道我是否有那个耐心将它完成 ==
最最最最想先说的是 乐团的事 我如愿推出执委团了 =]
所给的理由是 想把时间献给最后一年的最后一班 + 没有心留在执委团
以会员的身份协助执委团 他们批了
卸下了心中的负担 戴上了愉快的心情
谢谢你们 体谅我的苦衷 我一定会尽力协助你们的
也对不起你们 尤其是darren 思慧和芷薇
对不起 我会以会员的身份做我身为执委应该要做的事情的
所以 请放心 =]
5s仁 哈哈 我敢保证是全级最最最轻松的一班
除了道德和生物老师 其他的都还好
不是我在贬低 是公认了的 =x
他 第一年当班主任
他 第一年教电脑以外的科目
他 没教我们电脑
他 教我们最重要的微积分
他 我无言
哈 其实由他来当我们的班主任不错咧
*虽然有时他会太过执着于校规上 一件微不足道的事他可以搞得好像世界末日酱 哈
微积分 可说是高二最重要的科目?
p/s:老实说 除了第一堂课 我并未听过他的课
下来的其他老师 都有自己的特色
化学老师 珍芳
哇靠 这位够力 超超超超像井上织姬
没在开玩笑 也是公认了的 尤其是配上粉红白条纹上衣外加褐色裙子
简直就是真人版织姬 不用去cosplay展了 xD
生物老师 晓清
唯一的大肚婆老师 所以上她课要关机 呵呵 几有她心~
心理系 生物是必备的
偏偏这科又是我最想睡的一课 我总是拿认真上课的老师没辙 =x
附数老师 陈xx
忘了她的名 跟她只有过一面之缘
隐约记得她进来的第一句话 “大家好,今天是我第一天来上班”
晕 == 教师的工作搭配上班族的开场白 哈
难道这就是让男人沉醉其中的最高境界 - 若隐若现?
物理老师 凤菁姐
感觉她的名字就是适合加上一个“姐” 很有在江湖上混的feel
她的说话速度 可说是天上有地下无
我已经连物理课都没听了 在她的节 不是发呆就是讲话
当然 讲话就找只有在她和晓清节才睡的辉辉
p/s:辉辉各种各样的睡姿 真是令人百看不厌 哈哈哈
华文老师 运芳
我第一眼看她就觉得她超像我的姨姨 ==
她呀 好像整本课本都背下来了酱
所有古文 不用看书都可以直接讲出来
对她 只有一个字 劲!
国文老师 salmiha
高女一个 对我来说啦
哈 她的动作很夸张 该怎么形容 ==
英文老师 mr.khan
哈哈哈哈 提到他我就很想笑
他有上课跟没上课其实是没差的 =p
特别喜欢他跟我们分享他的人生经验 很写实 很白痴 哈
他的表情 绝对是经典
再后一秒就可以像前2秒酱继续上课 超级搞笑
电脑老师 terry
说起他呀 总觉得他变了 变得比较严了吧
*虽然事实上是没有 ==
可是以前的可以都变得不可以了 有点可惜
还是希望他跟我们的感情可以更好啦 哈
道德老师 lenglui
给我的第一印象就是 惹不得的老师 外加一个“变态”
连nilai都可以背到酱熟 不是外星人或变态是啥?
可是几天后的观察加揣摩 我发现迟早我们整班可能也会变得像她酱变态
原因很简单 她的教书方法不是中华的传统 - 填鸭式教法
所以 我是蛮喜欢她的啦~
体育老师 淑贞
很随便的老师 哈哈
酱多课里 老实说 没有一课我是真正认认真真地听过书的
*然而我还是会以一贯的作风上课的 哈哈哈哈哈
其实我有好多好多事情要写 不过我实在不知道我是否有那个耐心将它完成 ==
最最最最想先说的是 乐团的事 我如愿推出执委团了 =]
所给的理由是 想把时间献给最后一年的最后一班 + 没有心留在执委团
以会员的身份协助执委团 他们批了
卸下了心中的负担 戴上了愉快的心情
谢谢你们 体谅我的苦衷 我一定会尽力协助你们的
也对不起你们 尤其是darren 思慧和芷薇
对不起 我会以会员的身份做我身为执委应该要做的事情的
所以 请放心 =]
5s仁 哈哈 我敢保证是全级最最最轻松的一班
除了道德和生物老师 其他的都还好
不是我在贬低 是公认了的 =x
他 第一年当班主任
他 第一年教电脑以外的科目
他 没教我们电脑
他 教我们最重要的微积分
他 我无言
哈 其实由他来当我们的班主任不错咧
*虽然有时他会太过执着于校规上 一件微不足道的事他可以搞得好像世界末日酱 哈
微积分 可说是高二最重要的科目?
p/s:老实说 除了第一堂课 我并未听过他的课
下来的其他老师 都有自己的特色
化学老师 珍芳
哇靠 这位够力 超超超超像井上织姬
没在开玩笑 也是公认了的 尤其是配上粉红白条纹上衣外加褐色裙子
简直就是真人版织姬 不用去cosplay展了 xD
生物老师 晓清
唯一的大肚婆老师 所以上她课要关机 呵呵 几有她心~
心理系 生物是必备的
偏偏这科又是我最想睡的一课 我总是拿认真上课的老师没辙 =x
附数老师 陈xx
忘了她的名 跟她只有过一面之缘
隐约记得她进来的第一句话 “大家好,今天是我第一天来上班”
晕 == 教师的工作搭配上班族的开场白 哈
难道这就是让男人沉醉其中的最高境界 - 若隐若现?
物理老师 凤菁姐
感觉她的名字就是适合加上一个“姐” 很有在江湖上混的feel
她的说话速度 可说是天上有地下无
我已经连物理课都没听了 在她的节 不是发呆就是讲话
当然 讲话就找只有在她和晓清节才睡的辉辉
p/s:辉辉各种各样的睡姿 真是令人百看不厌 哈哈哈
华文老师 运芳
我第一眼看她就觉得她超像我的姨姨 ==
她呀 好像整本课本都背下来了酱
所有古文 不用看书都可以直接讲出来
对她 只有一个字 劲!
国文老师 salmiha
高女一个 对我来说啦
哈 她的动作很夸张 该怎么形容 ==
英文老师 mr.khan
哈哈哈哈 提到他我就很想笑
他有上课跟没上课其实是没差的 =p
特别喜欢他跟我们分享他的人生经验 很写实 很白痴 哈
他的表情 绝对是经典
再后一秒就可以像前2秒酱继续上课 超级搞笑
电脑老师 terry
说起他呀 总觉得他变了 变得比较严了吧
*虽然事实上是没有 ==
可是以前的可以都变得不可以了 有点可惜
还是希望他跟我们的感情可以更好啦 哈
道德老师 lenglui
给我的第一印象就是 惹不得的老师 外加一个“变态”
连nilai都可以背到酱熟 不是外星人或变态是啥?
可是几天后的观察加揣摩 我发现迟早我们整班可能也会变得像她酱变态
原因很简单 她的教书方法不是中华的传统 - 填鸭式教法
所以 我是蛮喜欢她的啦~
体育老师 淑贞
很随便的老师 哈哈
酱多课里 老实说 没有一课我是真正认认真真地听过书的
*然而我还是会以一贯的作风上课的 哈哈哈哈哈
25 simple wishes of mine in year 09.
1. live happily in my new house, 5sren no matter what.
2. no uncooperative member in the class.
3. obtain great success in the soccer tournament, no matter in a team or individual mode.
4. improve my football skills and techniques.
5. run faster than how fast i could run now.
6. can have a longer breathe.
7. straight a's in spm.
8. get a better way to improve my english.
9. wont give up in anything halfway, no matter in my study or hobby.
10. wont face any problem in my friendship.
11. make more friends, and not to be shy.
12. meet my primary schoolmates.
13. play football with my primary schoolmates in a big field.
14. no more arguments in my house.
15. live peacefully and happily with my family.
16. chco can have a greater fame in school.
17. can have a better relationship between our new members.
18. do our best in any performance.
19. change any of my bad attitudes.
20. a lil' more freedom.
21. get to watch more japanese dramas, and to improve my japanese.
22. chance to get money.
23. get all giddens' novel.
24. my hair can grow longer
25. grow TALLER!
2. no uncooperative member in the class.
3. obtain great success in the soccer tournament, no matter in a team or individual mode.
4. improve my football skills and techniques.
5. run faster than how fast i could run now.
6. can have a longer breathe.
7. straight a's in spm.
8. get a better way to improve my english.
9. wont give up in anything halfway, no matter in my study or hobby.
10. wont face any problem in my friendship.
11. make more friends, and not to be shy.
12. meet my primary schoolmates.
13. play football with my primary schoolmates in a big field.
14. no more arguments in my house.
15. live peacefully and happily with my family.
16. chco can have a greater fame in school.
17. can have a better relationship between our new members.
18. do our best in any performance.
19. change any of my bad attitudes.
20. a lil' more freedom.
21. get to watch more japanese dramas, and to improve my japanese.
22. chance to get money.
23. get all giddens' novel.
24. my hair can grow longer
25. grow TALLER!
谢啦 筹委们 =]
新生营总算是结束了 终于可以真正的休息了 睡到日上三竿才起床 也不用每天都去学校报到 可是这样反而变得不习惯了
新生营 筹备了不算久的时间 我做的事也没想像中多 不知为何在准备的当儿会觉得自己很像很忙酱 == 3天2夜的集训 我自己是满享受的 因为真正辛苦的人不是我 交新生的人不是我 集训的人也不是我 我只是在一旁凉快而已 哈
说真的 我是真的被感动了 无论是筹委们 还是参与活动的营员们 都深深地打动了我 先说筹委 筹委们的用心 我都看到了 有些筹委要身兼数职 或是本身也是新生 在准备活动之余 自己也要被集训 不累垮才怪
伟泉 明年就离校的你 这也是你最后一次参与集训了吧 看得出 你疼爱新生的程度 比任何一个筹委都来得高 自然 副主席兼营长这个职位对你来说 也是最最最困难的咯 不过没关系啦 相信营员们都会体会到你的辛苦 和感受到你的心意的
洁柔 虽然我也说过你很多次了啦 没事干嘛接酱多筹委会的工作?可是每次就以傻笑来打发我 害我都不好意思给你太多东西做了 说真的 如果你是累了的话 你可以说出来 我会让其他执委尽量不要找你的渣的啦 哈
怡文&怡霖 筹委兼新生 相信这个营结束后最累的就是你们吧 付出了那么多 几乎将家里可以带来的东西都贡献出来了 我真的很感动咯 首先是小册子 应该是历年来最好的吧 对于小册子 我听到的都是好评 哈 连老师都说要留一份存档 谢啦 过后的康乐 我还是第一次看到有人会print几十张可以玩的游戏出来 有吓倒咯
俊康 整个筹委会里 最不负责任的一个吧 呵呵 也不能怪你啦 我跟你是同一类型 都是比较贪玩的 而且你也是新生 只不过是新生兼演奏员 特殊的身份 很像我酱 哈 我知道你很喜欢打鼓 不过学业也不能不顾的 加油啦
洁思 不知几时开始 我就觉得你很像漫画人物 哈 不过 你为这个筹委会 甚至整个乐团的付出 大家都有目共睹 你有多辛苦 相信大家都可以体会到 所以我真的希望你不要给自己太大的压力 别什么都自己扛 要学会分享咯 =]
振鸿 哈哈 很复杂的角色 我知道你不管在做什么事都好 都会尽心尽力去把东西做好 无论是练习时还是这次的筹委会里 至少 你会为你自己的工作而紧张 这是值得学习的 总而言之 你还是有很大的进步空间的 加油咯
新生营结束后 真的很开心 因为我听到和看到的评价 都是正面的 虽然这没什么好值得骄傲的啦 但这毕竟是我第一次当集训营筹委主席 或是说 我是第一次参与集训营筹委会 所以听到这些 自然会有点飘飘的感觉 =p 不止是老师 筹委 连参与集训 天天被练习所折磨的新生也这样说 我是真的真的真的很开心 =] 呵呵 谢谢你们
还是要再一次感谢辛苦了许久的筹委们 谢谢你们 圣诞节快乐 =]
p/s :我还是第一次酱有心地写完整篇咧 值得鼓励啊
新生营 筹备了不算久的时间 我做的事也没想像中多 不知为何在准备的当儿会觉得自己很像很忙酱 == 3天2夜的集训 我自己是满享受的 因为真正辛苦的人不是我 交新生的人不是我 集训的人也不是我 我只是在一旁凉快而已 哈
说真的 我是真的被感动了 无论是筹委们 还是参与活动的营员们 都深深地打动了我 先说筹委 筹委们的用心 我都看到了 有些筹委要身兼数职 或是本身也是新生 在准备活动之余 自己也要被集训 不累垮才怪
伟泉 明年就离校的你 这也是你最后一次参与集训了吧 看得出 你疼爱新生的程度 比任何一个筹委都来得高 自然 副主席兼营长这个职位对你来说 也是最最最困难的咯 不过没关系啦 相信营员们都会体会到你的辛苦 和感受到你的心意的
洁柔 虽然我也说过你很多次了啦 没事干嘛接酱多筹委会的工作?可是每次就以傻笑来打发我 害我都不好意思给你太多东西做了 说真的 如果你是累了的话 你可以说出来 我会让其他执委尽量不要找你的渣的啦 哈
怡文&怡霖 筹委兼新生 相信这个营结束后最累的就是你们吧 付出了那么多 几乎将家里可以带来的东西都贡献出来了 我真的很感动咯 首先是小册子 应该是历年来最好的吧 对于小册子 我听到的都是好评 哈 连老师都说要留一份存档 谢啦 过后的康乐 我还是第一次看到有人会print几十张可以玩的游戏出来 有吓倒咯
俊康 整个筹委会里 最不负责任的一个吧 呵呵 也不能怪你啦 我跟你是同一类型 都是比较贪玩的 而且你也是新生 只不过是新生兼演奏员 特殊的身份 很像我酱 哈 我知道你很喜欢打鼓 不过学业也不能不顾的 加油啦
洁思 不知几时开始 我就觉得你很像漫画人物 哈 不过 你为这个筹委会 甚至整个乐团的付出 大家都有目共睹 你有多辛苦 相信大家都可以体会到 所以我真的希望你不要给自己太大的压力 别什么都自己扛 要学会分享咯 =]
振鸿 哈哈 很复杂的角色 我知道你不管在做什么事都好 都会尽心尽力去把东西做好 无论是练习时还是这次的筹委会里 至少 你会为你自己的工作而紧张 这是值得学习的 总而言之 你还是有很大的进步空间的 加油咯
新生营结束后 真的很开心 因为我听到和看到的评价 都是正面的 虽然这没什么好值得骄傲的啦 但这毕竟是我第一次当集训营筹委主席 或是说 我是第一次参与集训营筹委会 所以听到这些 自然会有点飘飘的感觉 =p 不止是老师 筹委 连参与集训 天天被练习所折磨的新生也这样说 我是真的真的真的很开心 =] 呵呵 谢谢你们
还是要再一次感谢辛苦了许久的筹委们 谢谢你们 圣诞节快乐 =]
p/s :我还是第一次酱有心地写完整篇咧 值得鼓励啊
double tag
The person who tag you is?
chin hooi
What relationship of you with him/her?
a good good friend
Your 5 impressions towards him/her?
sh, childish, gay, hardworking and HELPFUL
The most memorable thing that he/she has done to you?
laugh at me when i did something funny
The most memorable word that he/she has said to you ?
If he/she becomes your lover , you will?
i would rather die
If he/she becomes your enemy , you will?
prevent him from throwing chess
If he/she becomes your lover , he/she has to improve on?
no need, im the one who should improve on my eyesight
If he/she becomes your enemy , the reason is ...
he broke my leg
The most desirable thing to do for him/her is?
wish him good luck in flirting
The overall impression to he/her is
How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
mature, short, lengzai. LOL
The character for you for yourself is?
On contrary , the character you hate of yourself is?
Most ideal person you want to be is?
For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
thanks to all
Ten people to tag:
no one
1. take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture right now..
2. don't change ur clothes, just take a picture..
3. post that picture with NO editing..
4. post the picture with these instruction..
5. tag 7 people to this..
6. *no tag backs*
chin hooi
What relationship of you with him/her?
a good good friend
Your 5 impressions towards him/her?
sh, childish, gay, hardworking and HELPFUL
The most memorable thing that he/she has done to you?
laugh at me when i did something funny
The most memorable word that he/she has said to you ?
If he/she becomes your lover , you will?
i would rather die
If he/she becomes your enemy , you will?
prevent him from throwing chess
If he/she becomes your lover , he/she has to improve on?
no need, im the one who should improve on my eyesight
If he/she becomes your enemy , the reason is ...
he broke my leg
The most desirable thing to do for him/her is?
wish him good luck in flirting
The overall impression to he/her is
How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
mature, short, lengzai. LOL
The character for you for yourself is?
On contrary , the character you hate of yourself is?
Most ideal person you want to be is?
For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
thanks to all
Ten people to tag:
no one
1. take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture right now..
2. don't change ur clothes, just take a picture..
3. post that picture with NO editing..
4. post the picture with these instruction..
5. tag 7 people to this..
6. *no tag backs*
这只是一个开始嘛 =3
如题 输了 哈
付出得不够多 就是原因吧 虽然说现在很累很累 但是 比起我们这些纯演奏员 累的人比我们更多 思敏 森宏 老师 教练 承担的压力比我们多几百倍吧 呵呵
老实说 连决赛都进不到的这个结果 真的有点接受不了 不是说骄傲自负什么的 只是 看了决赛后 至少我认为我们的确是比某些队伍强少少 就连初赛当天 奏完出来后 校友和协助演奏员甚至观众都说我们一定能挤进决赛 但结果却事与愿违 哈 没办法 台下观众听到的与台上评审听到的 一定是不同的 而且他们也不是普通的评审 =3
对我自己而言,我初赛当天的表现并不怎么好 不是紧张在作祟 纯粹有些小节吹不出 哈 虽然我不懂做么文其大叔会说我吹得很好 == 可能那只是安慰我的话吧 啦啦
志康 民忠 建铭 燕燕 文华 捷威 文其 这几个是比教熟的校外人士吧 跟我同年的有 大我几年的有 连结婚生子 大过我20年的也有 哈 说真的 真的很高兴可以认识酱多人 一起演奏 真的很享受啦 而且捷威这个“金鱼佬”也教了我们应该怎样修理自己的乐器 不用什么事都去找教练的麻烦 也不用一直浪费乐团的钱去修理了 爽
对不起教练 校友会我真的没办法帮忙演了 不过到时我一定回去看的啦
p/s : 会看华乐的人果然都是比较有气质的 gap到很多lenglui演奏员和观众 哈
付出得不够多 就是原因吧 虽然说现在很累很累 但是 比起我们这些纯演奏员 累的人比我们更多 思敏 森宏 老师 教练 承担的压力比我们多几百倍吧 呵呵
老实说 连决赛都进不到的这个结果 真的有点接受不了 不是说骄傲自负什么的 只是 看了决赛后 至少我认为我们的确是比某些队伍强少少 就连初赛当天 奏完出来后 校友和协助演奏员甚至观众都说我们一定能挤进决赛 但结果却事与愿违 哈 没办法 台下观众听到的与台上评审听到的 一定是不同的 而且他们也不是普通的评审 =3
对我自己而言,我初赛当天的表现并不怎么好 不是紧张在作祟 纯粹有些小节吹不出 哈 虽然我不懂做么文其大叔会说我吹得很好 == 可能那只是安慰我的话吧 啦啦
志康 民忠 建铭 燕燕 文华 捷威 文其 这几个是比教熟的校外人士吧 跟我同年的有 大我几年的有 连结婚生子 大过我20年的也有 哈 说真的 真的很高兴可以认识酱多人 一起演奏 真的很享受啦 而且捷威这个“金鱼佬”也教了我们应该怎样修理自己的乐器 不用什么事都去找教练的麻烦 也不用一直浪费乐团的钱去修理了 爽
对不起教练 校友会我真的没办法帮忙演了 不过到时我一定回去看的啦
p/s : 会看华乐的人果然都是比较有气质的 gap到很多lenglui演奏员和观众 哈
tired but enjoyed
it is just damn tiring - not to complain but to express my feeling.
finally i have prepared for the meeting, spent 2 hours on it, and 2 hours phone calling. now then i know it's easy to be a leader but hard to be a GOOD leader. i mean it, super duper hyper HARD. have to face all sorts of problems without getting any sympathy or understanding. what to do other than a 'sigh'? lol.
anyway, enjoyed the process, laughter and many more, although there is 9 days left ONLY. hahaha, fl still doesnt want to get me a new one, and we have to use the stupid one in the competition. how dareeeeeeeeeeeee us..?
finally i have prepared for the meeting, spent 2 hours on it, and 2 hours phone calling. now then i know it's easy to be a leader but hard to be a GOOD leader. i mean it, super duper hyper HARD. have to face all sorts of problems without getting any sympathy or understanding. what to do other than a 'sigh'? lol.
anyway, enjoyed the process, laughter and many more, although there is 9 days left ONLY. hahaha, fl still doesnt want to get me a new one, and we have to use the stupid one in the competition. how dareeeeeeeeeeeee us..?
2 more days, i have to get myself busy in both practise and camp.it's so damn damn damn tiring. i have no choice - responsibility of a performer and a chairman. =x
thought of my 'oneandahalf-paged' novel after reading wynne's. i have put it aside for months.i dont want to but i have to admit ithat, i cant finish it, at least not during the holidays. 3 minutes hot temperature. happened once again.
thought of my 'oneandahalf-paged' novel after reading wynne's. i have put it aside for months.i dont want to but i have to admit ithat, i cant finish it, at least not during the holidays. 3 minutes hot temperature. happened once again.
the loved one.
i have started to think of the content of this post after he told us that he is going to shift to penang 5 days ago. yes, he is qilun. one of my 'new' best friend in form4. we just know each other for only 1 year, and yet we can act like we were friends for many years. it is not easy.
im now saying the truth, i will miss u much, not less than any other friends of urs. i have been acting emo during the trip when i get to know the news, but u were not. u were just as happy as normal..this is wad im jealous with u. no hard feelings. or u have, but just acted like u dont have, without letting others know. this was wad i used to before. u are much more professional than me in this. roar. anyway, no matter wad ur or ur family's decision is, i will be always by ur side, just think of me when u are looking at the gundam.ahahaha
jingwen, our beloved form teacher had also resigned, and continue her career as a teacher in a government school. although me and u are not as close as others did, but u are always in a part of my heart among all the teachers. same, no matter wad u decide, i will always wish u luck.
the 5th and 6th person left us is the year 2008, after zhenhong, yimin, huimin and ms.sharon.
loves and cares to all of u.
im now saying the truth, i will miss u much, not less than any other friends of urs. i have been acting emo during the trip when i get to know the news, but u were not. u were just as happy as normal..this is wad im jealous with u. no hard feelings. or u have, but just acted like u dont have, without letting others know. this was wad i used to before. u are much more professional than me in this. roar. anyway, no matter wad ur or ur family's decision is, i will be always by ur side, just think of me when u are looking at the gundam.ahahaha
jingwen, our beloved form teacher had also resigned, and continue her career as a teacher in a government school. although me and u are not as close as others did, but u are always in a part of my heart among all the teachers. same, no matter wad u decide, i will always wish u luck.
the 5th and 6th person left us is the year 2008, after zhenhong, yimin, huimin and ms.sharon.
loves and cares to all of u.
the very gay picture of me and him, but too bad im not.
and this may be the last pic.. this year.we are not dead yet =3
and this may be the last pic.. this year.we are not dead yet =3
after listening and also knowing the song ' B What U Wanna B' by Darin zanyar, i was once comfirmed with my future job, to be a FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTBALLER! ahahahhaa, it sounds impossible, and i feel that it is impossible too. lols. but, be wad i wanna be, this is wad darin tries to tell me, no way ignoring him right? ahahha
Darin zanyar-B What U Wanna B
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
I know that we all got one thing
That we all share together
We got that one nice dream
We live for
You never know what life could bring
Coz nothing last for ever
Just hold on to the team
You play for
I know you could reach the top
Make sure that you won't stop
Be the one that you wanna be
Now sing this with me
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
We may have different ways to think
But it doesn't really matter
We all caught up in the steam
Of this life
Focus on every little thing
That's what does really matter
Luxury cars and bling
Thats not real life
I know you could reach the top
Make sure that you won't stop
Be the one that you wanna be
Now sing this with me
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
Last year i used to dream about this day
Now i'm here i'm singing for you
I hope i could inspire you
Coz i've got all the love
Coz i've got all love for you
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
p/s : im totally addicted to it recently, and keep on promoting to all. just wanna show how much i like it. aha
Darin zanyar-B What U Wanna B
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
I know that we all got one thing
That we all share together
We got that one nice dream
We live for
You never know what life could bring
Coz nothing last for ever
Just hold on to the team
You play for
I know you could reach the top
Make sure that you won't stop
Be the one that you wanna be
Now sing this with me
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
We may have different ways to think
But it doesn't really matter
We all caught up in the steam
Of this life
Focus on every little thing
That's what does really matter
Luxury cars and bling
Thats not real life
I know you could reach the top
Make sure that you won't stop
Be the one that you wanna be
Now sing this with me
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
Last year i used to dream about this day
Now i'm here i'm singing for you
I hope i could inspire you
Coz i've got all the love
Coz i've got all love for you
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
p/s : im totally addicted to it recently, and keep on promoting to all. just wanna show how much i like it. aha
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