

最近似乎都被九把刀的小说深深地迷住了,废寝忘食都要在一天内看完 - 真的是不吃不睡,连功课都不做的那种。很久没那种感觉了,以前是被电玩吸引才会到所谓“废寝忘食”的地步,也正是


《爱情两好三坏》 - 九把刀


  同一天生日的小雪和文姿,在生日前一晚都遇到了冒牌‘塔罗牌大师’,断言在生日当天会遇到自己的真命天子,阴错阳差之下,扭蛋女孩小雪成 了阿克第100个搭讪对象,她兴奋地拿出‘爱的小手铐’铐住了阿克,阿克因此失去了向文姿告白的机会!而文姿百般期待‘塔罗牌大师’所说的真命天子,出现 在面前的不是心仪的阿克,却是所有女生爱慕,但她不爱的卖场小开孟学,即便孟学对文姿使出花海攻势和生日告白,文姿依旧不为所动……

  阿克被妖怪小雪黏上!还被迫演变成莫名其妙的“同居”状态,但他始终不放弃对文姿告白,可是天不从人愿,每次告白的紧要关头,总会有一些因素打断阿 克。小雪自认得了‘缺乏幸福病’,遇到阿克,她终于感到幸福的降临,酷爱转扭蛋占卜运势的她,也开始转到象征幸运的大吉大利的小叮当扭蛋。即使知道阿克已经有了 喜欢的女孩,她也不会刻意破坏,但是没想到自己却成为文姿和阿克渐行渐远的导火线。

  孟学对文姿的好,其实文姿都看在眼里,但她的心底……容不下这个自命不凡的男人,她等待的是阿克的平凡淡泊与善良热情。追求文姿不成,孟学终于向他看 不起的“工蜂”阿克摊牌,他嘲讽阿克毫无进取之心、事业上更是一点成就也没有,像他和文姿这种在金字塔顶端呼吸的人,才是天生一对。受了刺激与羞辱的阿 克,为了要向文姿证明自己是个可以依靠的男人,在工作态度上有了180度的大转变。原本单纯的阿克转变了他的性情,让原本喜欢他的文姿,感到伤心与失望…

  在小雪的鼓励下,阿克越做越好,但这并没有让阿克与文姿有更进一步的发展。反而使得文姿误会阿克与小雪的关系,阿克又在无意间误会孟学和文姿有亲密关 系,即便那一切都是孟学搞的鬼。阿克和文姿双方心里互有阴影,但却没有人要将误会解开,导致原本互相吸引的两人越走越远……。最后,陪在这个棒球男孩身边 的,会是心目中的女神、还是摆脱不了的妖怪呢?!情场高手孟学,又会为爱情付出什么代价?!




protect the environment. by the environment-lover, chris =D

just finish watching the ancient time movie '' the day after tomorrow '' which was translated to chinese '' 后天 '' by those bastards in china. i was almost laughed till death when i knew it from my friend. it was just damn funny. haha. anyway. second time i have watched it. it was still that nice as the first time i watched. hmm. wad to say? it was just astonishing. im stunned by the director of the movie. he was amazing.. anyway. the cost of destroying the environment is just.. huge and cant be payed by the human being. global warning may cause the ice to melt, bringing lots of natural disasters like the tornadoes, flood n more that can damage the human themselves. ah. i dont wanna be one of the victims as shown in the movie. like wad jack said, all those disasters would not approach in a hundred years, at least not their living years, but at last they gave all those people an unexpected strike in just six till eight weeks. sigh. as i was watching, i was also thinking of when are we going to suffer like what they did. meaningless thinking something about that, wad i have to do is just to protect the environment from being polluted, and im one of those who is polluting it though ;)

haha. one more interesting part in the movie is the story between sam and laura. both lengzai lenglui really match sia. if i can undergo this kind of romantic experience, how nice would it be~ anyway, i just dont wanna suffer like them. haha. im evil =x

duh. i have lay my physics, algebra and trigo aside for more than 4 hours: 2 hours for the movie and 2 hours in front of the pc. try to get myself into boooooooooooooooooooks full with physics. [ i think i have forgotten that chemistry is also waiting for me] gosh..


speeeeeeeeech of silence.

luu.all the problems are now half-solved. the stress is getting lesser i think. haha

just 1 more thing. hope that bijyo will get themselves out of the matter. i really hope so =]

im now addicted to the new tvb drama once again after the drama 'catch me now' . it's kinda nice and it's called 'speech of silence' or in chinese ' 甜言蜜语 ' starred by 马国明 and 徐子珊. duh. im getting myself into the school exam at the 28th of july but now im still watching drama like a crazy. ahhh.

damn damn nice. ' 甜言蜜语 ' as known as 'speech of silence'

quite an old song to introduce but it's sweet
Christian Glass - My love will get you home.

If you wander off too far
My love will get you home
If you follow the wrong star
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
If the bright lights blinds your eyes
My love will get you home
If your troubles break your stride
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
If you ever feel ashame
My love will get you home
When there's only you to blame
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home
If you ever find yourself
Lost and all alone
Get back on your feet and think of me
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home Boy
My love will get you home



lots of fucking matters appear on the month of july.im always wondering that why cant i have a nice start on every month but those problems that will spoil my mood.

just knew that my bro cant get himself to UK and he might get banned from going there for a couple of years due to some reason. why it happened just when there was problems in his shops? is this wad they called "祸不单行"?fuck. im really scared that my bro would lose his jobs over there and do something uncontrollable although i know that he's not that easily-beaten person. from the incident, i know that friends cant be trusted completely cause they may bite u when u off ur firewall. friends from secondary school till now though. duh. i cant do this cause to me, friends' are everything. not to trust them? unless there is the same thing happens on me =x
by seeing the grieve look of my dad and mum, i know that they were really worried about my bro like i did. all these unlucky things came at the same time, is it just a coincidence or a fate? i rather it's a fate.

1 more. bijyos. wad r u all waiting for? i know that all of u wanna solve the problems early ago but just the face problem or? aiks. i dont really want to type it here since it's ur problem. just hope that u all could find the right way to solve it easily but not offensing each other. if the girls can get their matters solved with ease like wad boy did - just fight, and the loser is the wrong one, how nice would it be? it's impossible though.

just wanna fuck fuck fuck. im like just dreaming this few days. even the football match that i most looking foward to. 4-0 lost. i dunno wad am i doing that day. just running without an aim. really disappointed to myself. i have been looking foward to this match since i first came to chong hwa but now? no comment but tons of sorry to cheefung, keikei, yongxuan, zhenning, mingjie, tattat, boming, yishun and the class, that we cant get any title for the class. even my wei sheng competition, drop till 7th or 8th. duh.

keep on sleeping and sleeping. in the class i mean, but i cant get myself to fall asleep on my bed. why?

p/s : opse, seems like i have broke the promise that no sad things in the blog, but ps i cant stand it dy, just to choing sui that bastard.