

开了这一篇 呆望着好久了

最近 一点心情都没有 怪怪的感觉 好久没有被这种不知名的感觉缠身了 还以为它不会再找上门了 该来的还是会来 而且还是乘我毫无防备的时候

完全没有心思做任何的东西 - 学会的 朋友的 旅行的 完完全全 没有心想把它们做好

年尾新生营筹委主席 什么都没做?笑死人了 确实 筹委都比我更有心 一直问我关于新生营的事情 而我呢 心不在焉 他在问 我在答 不过答的是什么 我自己都不知道 还一直想着要如何打发他走 想到都恐怖 连主席都这个样子 我真的不知道这个营会变成怎样 无法想象 我不懂 除了说对不起我还能做什么 就算是现在 我还是一样 没有动力 筹委们 对不起

再来 旅游 跟班上的朋友 我一直在强调 是“朋友相约一起去玩” 但是很多人似乎不能明白这话的意思 硬要为这次的旅行套上“班旅”这个名字 所谓“班旅” 是同一班的学生一起去一个地方旅游 而且是照着时间表 几时要去哪里 全部都已经订好了的 我要的不是这种 死死的 还要照老师的吩咐 不能去这里 不能做那样 我就是不要这种 所以我跟全班说的时候 没有提过“班旅”这个名词 可是 每个人看到我 问的就是:去那边有什么节目噢?又有什么东西吃哦? .. 还有 就是每次在家online 一大堆的人 每天都在问 那个班旅,搞得怎样了?how is the progression?有多少人去了?还要我一个一个说出来 每一次 都是同样的人问同样的问题 好多次 我都已经不想回答了 如果是平常的我 不会怎样 可是在我没有心情的时候 真的很烦 可是我又不能不回答 因为是我叫你们去的啊 你们酱问是正常的 可是.. 其实 真的有点后悔 做了酱的决定 听可沁说 原本roger的意思是我们几个比较熟的一起去就好了 我听错 以为他也想搞个类似班旅的活动 就自作主张 要叫全班一起去 我们原本是想要一个很free的旅程 要做什么都是临时才决定 没有被什么束缚着 结果最后 什么都要安排好 交通啦 活动啦 跟我们一开始想的已经严重脱轨 最后烦的 还是自己 一样 除了对不起 我不能做什么 朋友们 对不住了

说到朋友 真的很对不起最近找我的人 没什么心情 提不起兴趣 亏我还一直强调 我最重视的是朋友 说一套 做一套 希望一句对不起 可以解决 虽然你们看不到 真心的


没事 纯粹发下牢骚 <= 原来上一篇用过了 哈 =3




以後決定要campur佐 對自己嗰母語吾起 - 廣東話好難寫啊!但係繁體都幾好悌wor

放假了 似乎是考試時最期待的事 可是原來也不怎麽樣啊 寧願需學校跟朋友哈拉 其實有很多很多東西要做的 可是都沒有心情 一留在家 就什麽都不想做了 做麽會醬噠?本來決定要整理好亂亂的房間 本來決定要好好坐在電腦前寫小説 本來決定要看完借來的書 本來決定要弄好學會的東西 本來本來 將多本來 沒有一個做到 2天了 一直在看戯上網 醬下去真的變宅男了 我可是很陽光的 不能醬下去 要做些有意義的事咧 ==

非常非常期待janda baik一日游啊 期待爬山 期待跌倒 期待被水蛭咬 最期待跟朋友一起享受這個醬好玩的旅程 哈哈 我不是變態 因爲很久沒看過水蛭了 可能看到了就不期待也説不定啦 啦啦啦 還有4天 有4本書 3本卫斯理 1本英文書 很興致勃勃地跟別人借 很無精打采地翻來看 鬼知道我做麽會醬閑

不過我比較期待接下來的馬六甲之旅 雖然不懂去不去得成 但還是很興奮

沒意義的帖子 純粹想發下牢騷


dramas fever.. AGAIN!

freedom? lol. finally, the freaking exam is over. at least 5 subjects dead. this is only the conservative estimation. haha. truth, i didnt put much effore in the exam. i had much time to study but i wasted it by doing something else. nothing to blame. ahha. nvm since it's over and there is nothing i can do. wad i can do is to enjoy short break time i have before i get myself busy in my society stuff again =(

this few days, i have been watching dramas like hell. 5 dramas, i watched them at the same time - not opening them in 5 tv's, im not that rich. hmm. all the series : uk - heroes and prison break, hk - 少年四大名捕 and 尖子攻略 , jp - 正义的伙伴(seigi no mikata). lol. all of them are just.. extremely NICE.

jay's album. kinda disappointing as i said i was looking foward on it on the previous post. and 稻香 is the only one that satisfied me. =( i cant say that others are scandalous and unpleasant to hear, cause they might seems nice to others, but i just dont like them. hm. im now listening to his songs, not the latest but the past. look back to his previous albums. almost all the songs are so damn nice to me. and i wont feel bored listening them for lots of time. ahha.

i think im putting my expectation on leehom, my idol's album =D he's also releasing his album soon. and i like his new song 摇滚怎么了 which is cricticizes by others. like wad i did to jay's. haha. so i say, everyone has their different taste, so let them be. lala.

and lately, i had worked much in improving my sucks english - i borrowed an english novel which costed me rm5. lol. i would rather spend them on buying something unnecessary - that's me before but not now. ahaha. i have get myself into mr.james's english tuition with kw, hooi, sini and kamun. lol. rm150 is much for me, so i will try to appreciate this and make it useful in my life =]

strongly introduce this to all. there is 3 seasons, and season 3 is airing now =]
this is the link to the characters =D

watching season 1's 3rd episode now. kinda slow. haha

same. 3rd episode. and i like shida mirai! lol.

11th episode. nice

14th episode - thanks miky for the help. lol

p/s : there will be lots of posters nowadays. ngek ngek ngek



changed to sit with jiaping for the past week, with jimei and roger behind us. hmm. it seemed to be a relaxing week since all teachers were just revising, and also 2 holidays for raya. ahhaa. love chatting with this 3 fellas. yeah. just CHIT-CHAT around with stuffs not related to our studies. lol. and one of the hottest topic is the future - sometimes we are mature enough to talk about this kay. *winks*

jiaping almost blasted me off when he asked me to open a restaurant and he wanted to be my 倒茶佬. i was like "uh..uh-huh" and then followed by a big big laughter. lol. roger is comfirmed to get in to a conservatory. yeah. he has a musical background and also it is his dream. quite admire him because he comfirmed what he's going to do after the secondary education whereas me myself, have lost in the future. now, there are 3 things that im interested in - football , IT and psychology.
football, maybe i still have the qualification the get into a team if i first choose the school that has football team. but too bad, chonghwa has volleyball, basketball, badminton, tabletennis, and e.t.c but not football. the football society was setted up after 3 years im in chonghwa. it's too late to start again now since my stamina and techniques are getting weaker and weaker. no kidding. even my primary schoolmates said that. argh.. i think im even weaker than when i was in primary. it's quite disappointing that i have to choose to give up the football career in the future, but football is always the first interest of mine despite the changes of age. ( although i said im giving up in it, i will never stop to give myself a try in it, too. =] )
IT, lol. this came up into my mind when i started using the internet since i was at standard six. i love surfing the net sometimes, SOMETIMES. cause sometimes also, i felt bored and stared blankly at the monitor. i dont know whether i really like this course, just feel that those hackers are so pro. ahha
psychology pula. i dont know how the psychologists do their work, but i also admire those hypnosist. dont u think they are extremely cool..? can make someone sleeps in a few seconds. argh! if i can do that too, then i can do whatever i want. mwahahhaa *evil smile*.
kinda confuse with my future life. both roger and me dont like to study. physics..maths.. all these are shits to us, marks are nothing to us too. but roger has the condition, not to care about these. but im in the different case, im not sure with the future job, i dont have an exact dream. i cant be so natural and unrestrained like he does. parents are still expecting on me =x
like wad roger says : 其实比起其他人我们不算差,但是在这里就显得真的很差. totally agree with it. ahaha. anyway, there's still lots of thing gonna do now, no point thinking something not necessary. =p

we have decided to pass up the anim8or project because the exam is around the corner. i hope we can really finish it after the exam. and im putting high expectation on it too. when i saw others' movies, they motivated me to do better. ahha. so if time allows, sure i will do it nicely =3 im sure.

tuesday is the time. so i have to start study now. ahahaha